Translations of the operating instructions
How to translate the user manual?
Translations of user manuals are part of the tasks performed by translation agencies. This is one of the specialist translations, which is often a service offered by them. In order to maintain the high level of such a text, the translator working on it must have specific skills, such as technical language skills. Such translations are not particularly complicated. However, the interpreter who performs them must be properly prepared.
What predispositions should an interpreter have?
In this type of specialised translation, it is essential that the translator is fluent in both the original language and the language into which he or she translates the manual. Knowledge of both languages is essential for all translations, but additional skills are needed to perform technical translations correctly. It is very important that the choice of words is correct and that the whole text is consistent. The translations of all commands in the manual must be understandable to the average user. Therefore, before commencing work, the translator must understand the text of the manual and then explain it to the user of the translation language in simple words.
The translation of this manual is similar to the translation of technical content. In both cases, the translator must know the vocabulary and popular phrases that will make it easier to receive the text.
Necessary tools
The predispositions of a translator alone are not everything. You also need the right tools to translate the instructions. It is important to use programs and platforms which, based on similar translations, help to choose the right vocabulary.
These tools offer translators thematic dictionaries, called glossaries. They are created on the basis of previously created translations. Thanks to them, the program can automatically offer the translator the most relevant phrases. The text of the translation becomes easier to receive.
The tools used by such programs are called CAT. Both translators and translation agencies are happy to use them. Thanks to them they can maintain the highest level of translated texts, which will be based on previous translations from a given field.
The most common translations of instructions
The most popular translations of instructions are technological texts. They are usually ordered by manufacturers of household appliances or electronics in the broad sense of the term. These devices often come from Asia, so translations of the operating instructions enclosed with them are very common in our region. A less effective solution is translation from a language other than the original one. Such translation is also more difficult because the translator is not always able to understand the intentions of the author. These texts are also burdened with errors of their predecessors.
Other popular translations are instructions for games, including computer games and toys. As in the case of electronics, a large part of them is also produced in Asian countries. The area of translation of user manuals is fascinating and extensive, and working in it requires constant learning and expanding the translation memory of the tools mentioned above.