The meaning of dreams

The meaning of dreams

Have you ever thought about the meaning of dreams? Sleep is a physiological state, the second life zone where consciousness disappears. Not all aspects of sleep are fully explained, there are many mysterious, hidden and fascinating elements completely unknown and undiscovered. For centuries, people have been trying to interpret dreams and explain their relationship with everyday life. Observations and records collected over the years have allowed us to attribute particular significance to dreams.

During sleep, different phases of the dream appear several times. The statistics show that we should sleep at least seven to eight hours a day. Among people who sleep longer or shorter, the mortality rate increases, while it is higher in those who sleep very shortly (about 2.5 times). People at risk most often suffer from cardiovascular diseases and die of cardiovascular diseases, more often fall into depressions resulting in suicide attempts, more often fall into cancer. We are ruled by our biological clocks, but it is not true that we all have to lie down at a strictly defined time and similarly wake up from sleep. We live with different rhythms and some of us function better at night, while others are typical morning birds. This would be difficult to change, and such changes do not make sense, because the body itself knows how to function better and in what rhythm it regenerates the best during sleep. Grunt, it's not to disturb, and the best to adapt to this rhythm as much as you can. This is important because during sleep, in its various phases, very important phenomena occur, both from the point of view of our physical health and from the point of view of mental health.

In the first phase, sleep regenerates and it is before midnight that the body can best cope with it. During this time it is rebuilt, repaired, improved and generally does everything in its power to repair the micro-damages it causes during the day. It is this time that is a cosmetic and body lotion ( 

The first hour after midnight, we start dreaming. However, if we are sick, our ailments may increase at this time, which, of course, may also contribute to the awakening.

In the second hour the whole body slows down, because the liver starts to remove poisonous and harmful substances accumulated in the body during the day. All organs save energy for the liver, which then works with doubled power.

In the third hour, breathing (the slowest) and pulse slows down and the blood pressure drops to the lowest level during the day. The liver has already coped with its tasks and benefits from the moment of rest, as well as other organs.

Around four o'clock after midnight the body starts to wake up slowly, i.e. all the organs are still asleep, but at the same time the senses are becoming more acute, even though there is relatively little blood flowing into the brain. At this time of day, the body is by far the weakest. According to the statistics, it is a crisis hour - a time to die.

At about five o'clock in the morning, the kidneys start working at full speed, which soon afterwards results in the need to pass urine. An hour later, however, the time comes for love, because then in male and female organisms there is an increase in the level of hormones. In men, this phenomenon is much more intense from here and morning erections, which nota bene bear witness to health.

Seven o'clock is the time for hardening and gymnastics. The immune system is functioning most efficiently at this time. It is worth taking advantage of it and helping at the same time. Slowly we implement ourselves into our daily activities and... at the end of the day, we fall asleep again.