Open Your Own Barbershop - Useful Tips

Open Your Own Barbershop - Useful Tips

More and more men want to take care of their hair and beard, and to do it, they usually turn to professionals. That is why, the popularity of barbershops have grown in recent years, which is a very good trend. Especially for barbers, who are now more confident about opening their own businesses. However, there are still many hairdressers who are not sure what they need to do to start the barbershop.

Receive a Proper Training

Before you start encouraging people to use your services, you have to be sure that you know what to do. The fact that you cut your borthers or friends' hair and beards, doesn't mean you are a professional. Of course, you may be talented, but you should get some kind of a training before starting you own business.

Search for such schools in your area and choose the option which suits you the best. Be sure however that school of your choice has good reviews and hire teachers who are properly skilled themselves. Only then, you may be sure that you would receive a good training, which will prepare you to do your job right. A good school should also give its students an opportunity to gain more experience during externships. Seize that opportunity as only that way you will be able to learn not only about cutting men's hair and beards, but also about running such business. 

Do the Math

Let's be real, to start any kind of business nowadays, you need to have quite a lot of money. How much? It depends on many different factors, such as the location of your barbershop and the equipment you decide to purchase. That is why, you need to carefully calculate all the expenses and figure out how much money will be needed to open such barbershop.

There are not many people who can actually afford paying for all that is needed without getting a loan. Of course, you may start by asking your family members to help you out, but if none of them would be able to loan you bigger amount of money, you should start checking the offers of various banks and choose the best possible option.


Location of your barbershop is very important if you want to achieve success. First of all, it needs to be visible, so start by looking for places near main roads and other busy places. Also, remember that such business has to be accessible, so your clients will be able to easily get there by foot and car or just by using public transport.


Another thing you have to take care of is purchasing all the equipment needed in every barbershop. The functional and comfortable barber chairs are the most important items in this situation. Unfortunately they are usually quite pricey, but you may look for some sales or even used chairs online.

You will also need different kinds of tools used in barbershops on everyday basis, such as scissors, combs or electric shavers. You should also search for them online, as you may often find the very best prices that way.


A proper advertising strategy is something you simply must take care of before you open your barbershop. Today, you have many different options concerning the way you may let people know that you are in the business. Local media, billboards and leaflets are all great ideas, but you should also remember about the importance of the internet nowadays. That is why, you need to promote your barbershop through social media, such as Facebook or Twitter. Later on, you may also think about developing your own website, to enable your clients to learn about the opening hours or pricing concerning your services.